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Confronting the future of Web standards (por Neil McAllister, en Develper World- Infoworld)


Confronting the future of Web standards (por Neil McAllister, en Develper World- Infoworld)

Neil McAllister publicaba en Developer World (de Infoworld) el artículo 'Confronting the future of Web standards' en el que cubría la historia y el futuro de los estándares de la web.
"As technology consumers, we accept that the Web is built on open standards. We are told that an entire standards body, the W3C, exists to maintain them. Dig a little further, however, and we find that the history and the issues behind the standards are far more complex than they appear to be. As any long-suffering Web developer can tell you, the process of drafting W3C standards is as slow and laborious as any industry."
Neil McAllister, en Develper World (Infoworld), 12-jun-2008.

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