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The Birth of the Scheduled Web (Nova Spivack - Minding the Planet)

The Birth of the Scheduled Web (Nova Spivack - Minding the Planet)

Nova Spivack reflexiona sobre el inmediato futuro de la red, donde de manera sobresaliente se sitúa su actual proyecto Live Matrix. Live Matrix es lo que Novack denomina Scheduled Web, una web que posibilita la recuperación y la conexión de la información. Scheduled Web es lo que Novack denomina the Real Real-Time Web porque no es posible una web en tiempo real si no disponemos de herramientas que nos conecten con el pasado o el futuro, que es el modo en el que los humanos organizamos la información. El futuro de la web 3.0 según Spivack se localizará alrededor de estrategias de búsqueda y recuperación de la información que vincularán cualquier evento con otros por medio de grafos o esquemas que nos permitirán descubrir las cosas de manera intencional.

 "If 2010 was the year of the Real-Time Web, then 2011 is going to be the year that it evolves into the Scheduled Web. The Real-Time Web happens in the now: it is spontaneous, overwhelming, and disorganized. Things just happen unpredictably and nobody really knows what to expect or what will happen when (...) This obsession with the present is a sign of the times, but it is also a form of collective myopia — the Real-Time Web really doesn’t include the past or the future – it exists in a kind of perpetual now. To put the “time” into Real-Time, we need to  provide a way to see the past, present and the future Real-Time Web at once (...)The Scheduled Web is a Web that has a schedule, or many schedules, which exist in some commonly accessible, open format. These schedules should be searchable, linkable, shareable, interactive, collaborative, and discoverable. And they should be able to apply to anything — not just video, but any kind of content or activity online"

Publicado en Nova Spivack - Minding the Planet

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