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The Next Web to Be User-Centric (Thoughts on David Siegel's Pull Book) (Semantics Incorporated: The Feed)

The Next Web to Be User-Centric (Thoughts on David Siegel's Pull Book) (Semantics Incorporated: The Feed)

Este post de Greg Boutin toma el libro de David Siegel, Pull: The Power of the Semantic Web to Transform Your Business, como ocasión para reflexionar sobre la web del futuro; una web centrada en el usuario, suficientemente inteligente como para interactuar con él y ofrecerle información relevante tomando en consideración sus necesidades y estilos de vida. Esta es una de las promesas de la Web Semántica, la de una web más inteligente y poderosa, capaz interpretar la información y de dotarla de contextos significativos para los usuarios. Si se realizan, cambiará nuestras vidas y el modo en el que hacemos los negocios. Así empieza el artículo:

"Tell me, how much time do you waste searching for stuff on the web, or filling up forms with similar information over and over? For all its might, utility, and growth, what we have today is a scattered web, a web of destinations, on which finding information requires a whole expedition across loosely-connected archipelagos of data, each with its own information requirements*, rules of engagement, and gravitational attempts at capturing your time and money. So, when David Siegel contacted me to review his upcoming book Pull: The Power of the Semantic Web to Transform Your Business, I was immediately attracted by his core premise, the creation of a web that would automatically wrap around us and serve us based on the actual characteristics and needs of our lives"

Publicado en Semantics Incorporated: The Feed el: 1/19/2010 3:34:53 PM

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