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New ‘OpenID Connect’ Proposal Could Solve Many of the Social Web’s Woes (Webmonkey)

New ‘OpenID Connect’ Proposal Could Solve Many of the Social Web’s Woes (Webmonkey)

[OpenID Connect]= OpenID+OAuth 2.0

"David Recordon, one of the key architects of OpenID and other identity technologies that have emerged over the past five years, has envisioned a new direction for OpenID.

His proposal, which was drafted with input from several people in the OpenID community, is called OpenID Connect. At the highest level, it essentially rebuilds OpenID on top of OAuth 2.0, combining the two popular open source systems for authenticating users and letting them share data with social websites and applications.

“OpenID Connect is an attempt to pull the best pieces of two separate technologies together, to create a single technology stack that’s simpler for everyone to use,” Recordon tells Webmonkey.

Recordon points to the motivation behind creating OAuth 2.0 as providing the spark to innovate further on social protocols.

“There was a huge push in making OAuth 2.0 so much easier to use,” he says. “We then asked ourselves, ‘How do we make the rest of these technologies easier to use on the open web?’”

Publicado en Webmonkey el: 16/05/2010 3:47:24

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