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Semantic Web Dog Food

Esta es la página web de la Semantic Web Conference Corpus - ¡the Semantic Web Dog Food Corpus! Se puede encontrar información sobre papers que han sido presentados a las distintas conferencias sobre web semántica, sobre las personas que los han presentado, sobre organizaciones y sobre otras cosas que tienen que ver con las conferencias y workshops en el área de investigación sobre la Semantic Web.Actualmente contiene información sobre 1238 papers, 3073 personas, 800 organizaciones, 11 conferencias y 75 workshops, y un total de 73260 tripletas únicas en la base de datos! Recientemente el Corpus ha añadido a la base de datos los recursos de la 3ª Conferenica Europea sobre Web Semántica celebrada en 2006 en Budva, Montenegro (ESWC2006)

El sitio está esponsorizado por Semantic Web Science Association (SWSA), NEPOMUK Project y DERI, National University of Ireland, Galway.

Why Dog Food?!

The call to "eat your own dog-food" is often heard in the Semantic Web research area. The motto encourages us to use the languages and tools that we are developing to support our own work and demonstrate convincing arguments for the introduction of explicit semantics.

The International Semantic Web and European Semantic Web Conference series have followed this maxim and published metadata describing the events. This metadata covers information about papers, schedules, attendees etc. Tools can then consume this information and provide services, such as intelligent scheduling or search, to conference attendees.

In 2006, ontologies were developed for ESWC that made use of existing vocabularies like Friend of a Friend (FOAF). Additions were also made for ISWC to encompass the the SWRC ontology, which provides relationships for encoding bibtex information and iCal formats for scheduling events.

In previous conferences, data has been hosted at the conference site. This introduces potential problems of curation and sustainability. At we intend to provide a permanent, central, home for this conference metadata. This is not just a site for ISWC and ESWC though. We hope that, in time, other metadata sets relating to Semantic Web activity will be hosted here — additional bibliographic data, test sets, community ontologies and so on.

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