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Elgg: open-source social networking and social publishing platform


Elgg: open-source social networking and social publishing platform

Elgg es una herramienta de red social 'open-source' que permite a las personas, grupos y organizaciones crear sus propios entornos digitales sociales comunidades, tanto públicos como intranets. Para que Elgg funcione es necesario tener tu propio servidor web, realizar la instalación del Elgg y los plug-ins correspondientes, así como tener cierto grado de conocimiento técnico o acceso a alguien que lo tenga, como un administrador de sistemas.

Las características de Elgg pueden verse en este enlace.

Si tienes cuenta Twitter puedes acceder con ella a la página demo de Elgg.



Elgg is a social networking framework. It provides the necessary functionality to allow you to run your own social networking site, whether publicly (like Facebook) or internally on a networked intranet (like Microsoft Sharepoint).
To run Elgg, you need to have your own web server and a certain amount of technical knowledge - or access to someone who does, like a system administrator. 
Elgg features:
Most of the end user functionality in Elgg comes from plugins. If you downloaded the full Elgg bundle it will come with a selection of plugins pre-loaded, which are listed below.
  • Core features:
    • User, object, file and site management
    • Social graph functionality (relationships between users and other users, objects and sites)
    • Multiple sites (or applications) per installation (coming soon)
    • Easy internationalisation support
    • System-wide, tag-based searching across all content and users
    • Fine-grained access controls
    • Multiple views, allowing for mobile applications and embeddable widgets as well as the traditional web browser view
    • Event, plugin and widget APIs
    • RSS, FOAF, XFN for content syndication
    • OpenID, OpenSocial
    • Open Data Definition and an increasing number of data portability formats for import / export
    • An extensible RESTful API, with results in JSON, serialised PHP or XML
    • AJAX through jQuery and user-definable callbacks
    • Easy extension for use with caching systems such as memcached, for increased system performance
    • Use of multiple database connections for scalability (still in development)
  • Built-in features:
  • Optional plugins:
  • Community contributed plugins

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